Five Ways to Find "Couple" Time


While you're showering so much love on your little one, don't forget the other VIP in your life — your partner. Nourishing that relationship is just as important as nurturing your baby (after all, your baby will grow up and leave the nest but your partner is yours for life), so make an effort to stay connected.

However, it's one thing to say, and another thing to do, especially when there are so many diapers and bottles and loads of laundry begging for your attention. So just how do you make sure your relationship with your partner doesn't fall by the wayside? The answer is quality time, not quantity, when it comes to connecting with your mate.

•Grab at least a few minutes together every day. An early morning cup of coffee or a late dinner (after your baby is down for the night) will give you a chance to catch up on what's up.

•Show affection freely and often. Kiss when you come in, hug when you leave. Stolen moments of intimacy — like sneaking a deep kiss as you pass in the hallway — will help you feel connected despite a hundred distractions (plus, it's totally hot).

•Shoot for some regular "together time." Schedule a weekly sitter (or maybe switch off on childcare duty with a like-minded couple) and head out for dinner, a movie, or even a drive to nowhere — sans baby. Can't leave the nest? Plan a film fest at home. Rent some flicks, order in, and snuggle on the couch. (Try not to fold laundry tonight — it'll definitely ruin the mood.)

•Let your husband, not your baby, be the center of the universe for a while. Unless there's a safety issue, your little one can wait a minute while you finish speaking with (or kissing) your spouse. Your child will not only learn to be patient, but he'll see that you respect and love his daddy.

•Remember, communication is a major step toward intimacy. If you're feeling lonely, undesirable, resentful, or anything else, talk about it with your spouse before your emotions snowball into a big icy boulder sitting between you.

source: web


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